Saturday, September 4, 2010


Dear Friend,

how're you? Got confused with my shift for the 1st time! Showed up at a night shift when I wasn't suppose to be on, but stayed on to help ease the night...was reasonably a good night compared the the rest.

been thinking, life has a way for throwing things at you when you least expect it. Chirstchurch had a massive 7.3 eatthquake at the break of dawn, and had the city put into a state of emergency. Brick buildings collapsed, roads were cracked, pipes broke and caused flooding. Fortunately,there weren't any mortalities and fires. Looting was prevented.

Am i prepared if a large scale earthquake were to occur at dawn? Food wise, kinda...but fluid Don't even have torches for light..or a 1st aid kit...will have to start building on my emergency box.

Signing off!


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